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Travel Advisories

Normally Extraordinary

Although the last few years have been anything but “normal,” we’re happy to let you know that things around Ucluelet continue to be welcoming and familiar. It’s a great time to see us, because our “normal” is never “average,” especially during storm season.

Now that we’ve settled into shorter days and crisp, cool temperatures, a sense of coziness sneaks in, and storm watching season takes centre stage, presenting an opportunity for some winter-time self-care – booking a last-minute escape is always good for the soul.

And the wild weather doesn’t wait for anyone or care if it has much of an audience: it’s coming here no matter what. Standing on the trails tucked away amongst the rainforest or sitting next to a fire staring out the window watching these storms roll in off the Pacific is a pretty new experience and was invented around here. It’s not hard to see why mother nature’s storms are second to none.

Once you’ve spent some time being mesmerized by the rhythmic sound of the pounding waves, feeling a gentle mist on your face and blowing your hair everywhere, it’s time to cozy up in your accommodation, treat yourself at the spa, enjoy delicious options for replenishing for the next adventure and prepare to head out exploring interesting shops to round out your trip.

The average Canadian spends up to 11 hours a day in front of a screen, and we’re grateful you’re spending some of that time reading this. But storm watching is not something you can understand by watching a video or experiencing through someone else’s pictures or posts. You need to go to a place where you can stand on a path in the wind and near the waves, feeling the vibrations travel under your feet as every wave hits the rocky coastline. Every so often, you need to feel the power of something that has gone on forever. You need to let nature blow right through your soul and into your wildest dreams.

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