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Your Home Away From Home in Ucluelet

It’s most definitely time to get away to the coast, wouldn’t you agree?

Making the epic trek to Ucluelet, BC., no matter how you choose to get here, whether you are arriving via the wondrous drive along Highway 4, or by spectacular air to the Long Beach Airport, your journey to the west coast of Vancouver Island will no doubt have you feeling a mix of both excited and exhausted.

For those of you who really enjoy the cozy comforts of home while you are away, you will find yourself delightfully amazed by the fully-loaded Ucluelet accommodation options that are all decked out and awaiting you and your family, here in Ukee.

The idea of waking up to the sound of the lull of lapping waves and the delightful songs of the birds of the temperate rainforest, can make any traveler swoon for this place, but there’s this enticing option of also being able to shuffle to the kitchen, put on a pot of your favourite hot beverage, slip into your warm housecoat and soft slippers, and step out onto the balcony of your very own home-away-from-home.

There are quite a few Cabin and Cottage options available, but you will no doubt find one that fits your style perfectly. There is something here for every taste; whether you prefer to be beachside in the lap of luxury, or tucked away in the lush green of trees, there is a full-stocked space, already set-up and just waiting for your relaxation and enjoyment.

Typically, these accommodations include most of everything that you will need to live life just as you would on any other day, such as dishes and cutlery to cook in the kitchen, soaps and towels in the bathrooms, as well as bedrooms so comfortable that they invite you to stay an extra day, just so you can lounge around a little longer…

With so many choices of things to do in Ucluelet, you will be pleasantly surprised if Mother Nature decides to shower you with one of her very special days of precipitation. Rainy days make for a perfect time to stay right where you are and get your nose into a book, play cards with your friends, or watch a movie or two curled up on the couch with your loved ones.

When you have rented a Cabin or Cottage in Ucluelet, you might decide that you do not even want to leave, since you have everything that you need. If provisions are waning, you can always call for delivery from one of the local eateries, but if you’re someone who likes to plan things out in advance, your cupboards and fridge might already be chock full of snacks!

But let’s be honest, a little rainy weather certainly does not require that you stay inside – far from it! There are plenty of things to do on a rainy day in Ucluelet. We hope that you find a perfect place for you and your favourite people that you will love returning to year after year, because once is never enough.

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